Failing to Celebrate

Our fifth biggest mistake in beginning an intentional modification in our daily routine is, our failure to celebrate. 

It seems to be a part of human nature that we are unwilling to recognize that we do get things right sometimes. 

Many people will mentally pummel themselves if they do not get something perfectly. Even when it is a brand-new skill. 

It’s as though if we accept that we aren’t excellent yet, we think we will somehow wallow in mediocrity forever. 

The Truth Is . . .

. . . if we celebrate on the way to building a new skill, we will build it more quickly. 

If we celebrate and feel good about how far we’ve come, we will generate more dopamine. And that good feeling will make it more likely that we will continue. 

Then our new practice will be established more quickly. 


Even though you haven’t reached your end goal, whatever that might be, you have permission to celebrate every single step on the journey. 

Celebrate your life! Celebrate everything you get right! 

You got your shoes on the right feet? Celebrate!! 

You made it to work on time? Celebrate!! 

You didn’t yell at anyone all day long? Celebrate!! 

Life is a Gift

Life is truly an amazing gift. I invite you to love yourself enough to truly celebrate every moment. 

You’ve got this! 

Your life is worth your effort. 

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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