Endings and Beginnings

This is the last blog post for 2021. 

New Year’s Day is less than a week away. 

We are completing our second year of the Covid 19 pandemic. 

The grief and sense of loss of normalcy is overwhelming. 

So many PSAPs are short-staffed that the work is becoming unmanageable. 

And yet, thinking about a new year sends a shimmer of hope down my spine.

Do you have the same response? 


Hope for something to be different. 

Hope that our new normal of masks, on-line training, and social distancing will fall away. 

Hope for our personal transformation as we grab hold of our futures through our actions today. 

Hope for a renewal of the love and affection we used to have for humanity. 

Hopefulness is one thing. Taking action is another. 

There is so much we cannot change in our lives. You and I cannot make Covid go away. We cannot force the public to respect our work. And we can’t magically make our PSAP fully staffed. 

So, do we give up in despair? 


We take our power and direct it toward what we can do differently. 

We choose to care for ourselves, body, mind, and spirit. 

This radical, counter-cultural act shifts our lives into a powerful new direction. 

Radical? Counter-cultural? Indeed. Instead of sliding down the sink hole of despair that the daily news invites us into, we choose to love ourselves into new beginnings. 

Instead of indulging in heavily advertised, readily available, and high salt-fat-calorie dense fast food, we choose to nourish our bodies. 

Instead of frantically running from one task to another, we choose to grant our lives margin. 


Imagine how different your life can be in just a few months when you intentionally adopt powerful self-care practices. 

You are well-rested. The love and affection in your relationships returns. You are able to be kind to those you love. Your focus, optimism, and life satisfaction are all boosted. You are more connected, focused, and joyful. 

And, not to brag, but you did it for yourself! You didn’t pay someone else to do the work. 

You did the work. 

You chose not to go it alone, but joined up with like-minded people. 

People who know that the most powerful way to love their family and friends is to take care of themselves. 

People who are supportive of others because they understand the power of support. 

People who choose to own their lives one micro-habit at a time.

If this describes you . . . you are invited to register for a (free) special January 5th presentation of what it takes to begin a new and healthy habit.

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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