Deserve Kindness?

I am conducting an Epic Quest on-line. I’m working with an amazing group of people who desire positive change in their lives.

They are willing to take action to make it happen!

Commitments Made

Because I am unwilling to ask others to do something I’m not doing, I made a commitment for behavior change in myself.

May I remind you, my mantra in this endeavor is Start Now, Start Small, Start With ONE.

In my arrogance and overconfidence, I quietly told myself that, while my commitment to the group is to make and post a TikTok video every day of the Epic Quest,

I am also going to go on our group and post a Facebook “live” every day. 

Commitments Broken

Notice anything off base here

Only three days in, I completely forgot to do a “live” in our Facebook group.

When I realized what I had done, my immediate response was to start beating myself up for letting the group down.

Mind you, I hadn’t let anyone know I was committing to do that.

Mind you, none of them were waiting for me, because I have yet to remember to let people know when I will be live. 

As I realized those things, I shifted my self-flagellation to the fact that I broke the rules. 

I started two things instead of just one. 

And, I’m not accountable for the second commitment. 

Plus, my videos need improvement and I could quit scratching while I’m talking, and . . . and . . . and. . . 


The group will automatically know if I skip a TikTok. I have external accountability there.

For me, internal accountability does not work.

Does it for you? When you make a silent commitment to “get organized, lose weight, and cook at home” ever amount to much more than guilt & regret? 

Start Now, Start Small, Start With ONE

What If . . .

What if we offered ourselves kindness instead of judgment? 

What if we responded to our failings with self-compassion instead of self-loathing?

What if we loved ourselves enough to allow grace to inform our response? 

We are afraid that if we accept ourselves we will never change. The truth is, it is only in radical self-acceptance that we are able to change. 

We have to own what is to be able to get to what we want. 

I’ve quit beating myself up. I accept that I made a mistake, well, several mistakes. 

And, I choose to offer myself grace for the journey. 

I know that if I want to be the kind of person who posts on TikTok every day, I need to gently step into that identity. 

It takes time. It takes acceptance. And more than anything else, it takes KINDNESS! 

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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