
This is being written just a few days before the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA. 

A day set aside simply for a thank you to life. 

It’s not a religious holiday. 

Although it has become more commercial in the last decade or so, it was not founded on commerce. 

And, for what aspect of our lives are we most grateful?


For me, I am most grateful for connection to other humans. 

If Covid-time has taught me anything, it’s how important social connection is to my health. 

That’s why in my work, I always recommend people connect with someone else on the journey. We need each other. 

I volunteer at the senior center and teach, “It’s Never Too Late to Start a New Habit”. I let them know that connecting with others is vitally important. 

Have friends who are younger and older than you are! Expand your horizons!

When we become seniors, our friends tend to die off. It’s quite disconcerting. And, honestly, for me, it is the down side of aging.


Connecting with people outside of our close circles keeps us grounded in the world. 

We are like trees in that respect. 

In a documentary (available on Amazon Prime), we learn how important having a variety of trees is to their health. 

Trees support each other and help each other stay strong. When we plant forests with just one species, it doesn’t thrive as well. 

The differences support growth and well-being in forests. 

That’s true for human communities too. 

Happy Thanksgiving

I’m grateful that you are in my life. 

If you haven’t expanded your community lately, please consider doing so. 

Your life is worth your effort. 

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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