Bring It! 

Wouldn’t it be lovely if you received just 1% more appreciation for your hard work? Just a little would go a long way, wouldn’t it? 

What’s missing in your workplace culture? 

I remember a staff meeting once, where people were agitated and vocal. We were out of paper clips, post-it notes, and pencils. 

You can imagine the level of discontent among the staff. How dare we not be equipped to do our job well?  Out of post-it notes! Indeed preposterous! 

Our wise leader tossed it right back to the group. She said if we notice that something that would make our job easier was missing, we should do something about it rather than whine. 

She brought out the supply request form and reminded us that we had both the power and permission to fill that out, turn it in, and get the supplies. 

Good words. If something is missing, find a way to fill that gap.

The shift 

I took it a step further than office supplies. 

The thing missing the most in our work environment was appreciation. I was sick of working so hard and not being appreciated one little bit. My thankless job was remaining quite thankless. 

I realized that if I wanted more, I could be the one to bring it. 

All I had to do was start appreciating. 

Startling results

At first, people were suspicious. 

“Why would you thank me, I was just doing my job? Did you think I wouldn’t take care of that?”

Time and time again I explained that I just want more appreciation in our workplace, so I brought it with me from home. 

Once people started believing that my “thank you” wasn’t a backwards insult, but genuine appreciation, things began to shift. 

It was interesting. 

I started to notice other people saying, “Thank you.” 

And the people who had been thanked started to respond positively. 

A few months later, I realized that there had been a positive shift in our culture. 

Why it helps

People get into negative habits. Our amygdala wants to keep us safe, so we are always scanning for danger. We incessantly look for what is wrong in our world. 

Which do you remember more? The thousands of gallons of unspoiled milk, or the one glass that made you gag? We notice what’s wrong, not what’s right. 

It takes intentionality to notice what is right and good in our lives. 

What positive aspects does your workplace lack? Is it something that you can increase? 

Appreciation, respect, consideration, and peacefulness are all life choices that you have both the power and permission to implement right where you are. 

Let me know if this is helpful to you. 

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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