The Beauty of Buddy

We’ve been diving into the Gremlins as individuals on the blog over the past few weeks. If you’ve missed any, or need a refresher go here: Shape Good Habits Blog

Buddy is our connection to love, which is a thoroughly inadequate word for what I mean. 

By love, I mean the energy that sustains life and wellbeing. Whatever you want to call it; it is what provides our breath, grows our food, and wakes us from sleep. 

What I don’t mean is some sappy, sentimental, hearts and flowers relationship.

Or passionate, sweaty, and intense connection. 

I don’t mean our affinity for chocolate (although that can come close in reverence). 

I mean a fierce determination to quicken life and the drive to nourish and support life. The intelligence that teaches cells to replicate and individuate. It’s the “whatever that is” that spurs the hormonal wash that bonds us to a newborn. 

That Kind of Love

I believe that love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is stronger than gravity, and more vital to life than air. 

When life gets overwhelming it is possible for a human to feel disconnected from this presence. 

The presence is always with us. We cannot be alive without it. Yet, it is entirely true that we can go through days and weeks and months of not recognizing it. 


Our Rage

People feel such anger at the situations in life, and swallow that emotional storm because it is socially unacceptable to express it fully.

Even people who stomp around and yell at strangers carry buried rage. 

It is in human nature to assess the cause of an event. 

Internal rage is a compilation of beliefs about situations over which we have no control. Powerlessness appears to be an unacceptable condition. 

People feel compelled to look outside for a reason behind misery. 

People feel compelled to look outside for a reason behind misery. 

  • There are plenty of reasons:
  • Witnessing cruelty. 
  • Politics are infuriating in any season. 
  • The weather does not care about your plans. 
  • You are unable to control other people.
  • Traffic.
  • The economy. 
  • Grief. 
  • Health problems for ourselves or for our close people. 

Losing connection with Buddy is a lonely and difficult journey. 

This is where the keystone practice of five minutes a day of intentional silence is beneficial. 

Sit still. Listen to your own breath. Allow your thoughts to act like fluffy clouds on a breezy afternoon that show up and drift away. Simply be.  

Just Five Minutes

The result is that you become better connected to love. 

You learn to recognize the gentle celebration within your heart when you honor yourself this way. 

When you juice up the practice a little by focusing on the feeling of gratitude for even one minute, your benefits increase. 

Disconnection from Buddy is a dangerous state. 

When you do not feel connected to your own life force, both suicide and homicide become ideas that can grow in strength. 

Disconnection is also a miserable state. If you’re there, please reach out. I’m here for you, and there are probably people right next to you who care. 

If you’re not there, start your Intentional Silence practice today so you build a strong bond to the power of love. 

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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