Is gossip a problem in your workplace?

The “he said, she said”, the “I can’t believe they . . . “ and the “of all the nerve” conversations. 

They undermine trust throughout the team. Gossip is a symptom of a toxic work environment. 

This is not only a management problem, although management has a powerful responsibility to squelch gossip when they are aware of it. 

This is an individual issue. 

Each of us has the power to either spread gossip or stop it in its tracks. 

Gossip is any conversation that would be hurtful to the person being spoken about. 

My Mama always said, “If it is not something that you could say in front of their face, don’t say it behind their back.” 

Harmful gossip damages the reputation, morally or professionally, of the targeted person. 

It is insidious. 

When gossip runs rampant, no one is safe from its sting. 

What can you do?

  1. Never repeat it. Never. 
  2. Don’t agree with it. Counter with something positive about the person in question. Or, simply say, “I don’t believe that. That’s not who I know them to be.” 
  3. Ask the gossiper, “Why would you tell me that?”
  4. Walk away. 
  5. Let management know that it’s a problem. 

Often workplace gossip continues because the supervisor, manager, and director are not in the loop. 

Sometimes, they are the loop. 

In that case, then you need to increase awareness further up the chain of command.

Yes, you. 

Have the courage to be the squeaky wheel.

Bring it to HR’s attention. 

If that doesn’t work, and in unprofessional organizations it might not, that’s when you must find a different place to work. 

Toxic work environments are hazardous to your health. 

And, managers and administrators, if people keep leaving your organization, take a look at the gossip mill.

Look in the mirror and see if you are part of the problem. 

Gossip is that serious. 

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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