Epic Quest and the Gremlins

An Epic Quest is an adventurous journey to reach a goal.

In the Shape Good Habits world, that means reaching a goal of establishing a powerful new positive habit. 

In the Epic Quest we choose one micro-goal that takes us a step in the right direction toward our larger goal. 

In Shape Good Habits, I reveal the Gremlins that comprise different areas of our lives we must recognize as important.

Meet Our Gremlins

Echo: Our self-concept.

Who we believe we are; plus who the people in our lives perceive us to be. When these two get out of line, that’s a signal that something is not going well.  I can believe I am the kindest person on the planet but if the people around me perceive me to be harsh and cruel, that’s something to look at.

Mojo: Our physical well-being.

A healthy Mojo supports a powerfully positive life. An unhealthy Mojo can erode positivity quickly. Our physical self-care is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and the people we love. 

Pointer: Our attitudes.

When we have a healthy attitude, we take ownership of what we have control over in our lives. When things are rough, we ask, “What response could I make that could positively impact my outcomes?” When our attitude is not healthy, we ask, “Who is to blame for this?” Blaming others is disempowering. Blame does not shift circumstances in our favor. 

Sparky: Our energy in relationships.

When we are healthy, we are warm and engaging. When we are unhealthy, we can be as cold as winter in Antarctica, or as flaming hot as a volcano. Our external expression of our internal rage affects our relationships strongly. 

Buddy: Our connection to love.

When our Buddy is healthy, we are able to have loving relationships in our home and work and social world. When our Buddy is not doing well, we become disconnected, cynical, and isolated. 

The Power of Paying Attention

When we desire to have a strong, healthy life in all areas, the Gremlins step in to show us our pathway. 

We check in with them each day to see how they are doing. 

When we notice a pattern of unwellness, we seek to change that pattern. If we are unable to do this for ourselves, we turn to professional help. 

When we do not pay attention to our own well-being, a downward slide can take us underwater. It becomes much more difficult to shift the trajectory once we are beginning to drown. 

The simple tool of the Gremlin Scale has life-shaping powers.

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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