When Do I Give Up?

Dealing with the negativity of our workplaces feels like a never-ending and thankless battle.

Every day there is a new assault to our well-being. Harsh words from a citizen, the endless mundane idiocy of the bureaucracy, and co-workers who fail in excellence.

Hopeless, helpless, and weary, you trudge through another day.

You say, “I’ve done all the things, and it’s not going away!”

And you are correct. It’s not going to stop.

And you wonder, “When do I get to give up and quit trying”?

It has to be your decision.

Three Questions

Here are three things to consider before you give up on your workplace, career path, or other situation that wears you down.

1. Have I really done everything I could do to modify the situation?

The areas in which we have the most control are our behavior and attitude. What have I done to help my own attitude? Am I taking time for self-care every day?

We know that self-care, when our body, mind, and spirit are healthy, has a profound effect on our attitude in life. When we are well and strong, life seems much more do-able.

Are we getting outside help? If we are doing all the self-care strategies and it’s not better, we need to get help.

2. Are there intolerable factors unique to this workplace that will not change in the foreseeable future?

There can be circumstances that are not likely to change. A toxic boss with long tenure, a cultural acceptance of disrespectful behavior, and working for an entity that cannot or will not address low pay all come to mind.

3. What other opportunities are available to me?

One of the advantages we have is that we no longer believe that we must work at one place for the entirety of our career. If we want to stay in the same field, there are other places to work. If we want to shift to a different line of work, we have skills to do that.

Your Life Is Worth Your Effort

There are times when it is reasonable and thoughtful to change positions. If our work and our workplace are deteriorating our health, continuing is a self-destructive decision.

Don’t give up on yourself, though. Ever. Keep doing the work to become the healthiest you possible. Keep loving yourself and finding the good in whatever situation you are in.

Your life is worth your effort.

Picture of Edie DeVilbiss

Edie DeVilbiss

In my work as a Team Culture Consultant, I help stressed out workgroups create a culture of mutual support and quality self-care which means they become healthier and even stronger together!

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